

TESCAN 多样化的扫描电镜产品,可满足用户对样品尺寸、高分辨成像、探测器选择以及分析性能等各种需求。
  • TESCAN 专利的无光阑 Wide Field Optics™ 技术使用户可根据实际需要轻松切换不同的观察模式。
  • 无畸变的大视野模式非常方便大尺寸样品的低倍率观察,结合精密马达控制的五轴全自动样品台,可以很容易找到感兴趣的区域进行观察。
  • 景深模式可实现高倍率大景深观察,对于如植物叶片表面等具有复杂形貌特征的样品成像时具有很好的效果。
  • 高分辨模式可用较高的放大倍率和很好的分辨率,以观察样品局部细节特征。
  • 对于过大或者珍贵而不方便进行镀膜导电处理的样品,可以设置特定的气压环境,在低真空 UniVac 模式下采用 LVSTD 探测器进行观察。


Low temperature scanning electron microscopy for Life Sciences
Low temperature scanning electron microscopy (Cryo-SEM) has become an established technique for capturing and observing biological samples close to their natural state. It is a method of choice, where the traditional sample preparation (e.g. critical point drying) causes unwanted changes in the sample structure. A Cryo-SEM workflow typically involves sample fixation using either flash-freezing in a liquid nitrogen slush or high-pressure freezing. The frozen samples are then transferred under vacuum to a cryo sputter coater, where they are coated with a conductive layer of metals or carbon. Finally, the samples are inserted into a SEM chamber equipped with a cryo-stage and observed in high vacuum environment.
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